A Bit About The SOngs on Everywhere I Go…

Everywhere I Go

I am a nature girl at heart, and despite all my travels, a walk in the woods at home makes me the happiest.

One Sky

Zac Doeding came to a songwriting workshop I was giving and played this song. It slayed me, and expressed in such a succinct way our daunting environmental challenges. It’s very rare for me to record a song written by someone else. This one called my name and I answered.

You Know I Would

Marriages end. We tag them as “failed” and find our way to a new normal. We could view them as successful marriages that have run their course and wish more couples would put down the gloves, accept that if they could have loved each other better, they would have, and wish their spouses well. A girl can dream…

Free Fall

I have always been plagued by decisions and indecision. Slowly I’m getting better at just stepping off the cliff. There is rarely a right or wrong path – just the one you’ve chosen.

It’s Alright

Some people in our lives have the magical power to utter the words “it’s going to be alright” and we simply believe them. It’s a phenomenon that need not be analyzed.

Making Friends With Gone

There is nothing harder to fathom than the reality of “gone” in the passing of a loved one. It is sweet and sad and hard and heart opening and life affirming… and lifelong. 

Dark Side of Pride

Pride does indeed have a dark side. Peering into those shadows – it is a place full of secrets and unspoken “I’m sorry”s. Two of the most important words too infrequently expressed. 

Rain Rain Rain

A song of surrender – to the pain we anesthetize ourselves to avoid, to taking the reigns on our lives, to facing our fears. 


The path of walking through life alongside another takes all kinds of turns. From the beginning to the end, it’s about companionship. 

This Life

When we’re young we are balloons bouncing from one experience to the next while thinking, we’d better make a plan. In reality, we’re just putting one foot in front of the other and eventually we realize we’ve built a life. A full, complicated, messy beautiful life - with strings that tie the balloons to the porch railings.